CAMP ON CAMP: SEASON OF CHANGE, Personal Essay from Terry Camp / by Camp & Camp

Seasons of Change, A Personal Essay from Terry Camp

The idea of “turning a new leaf” allows me to reflect personally on what instills joy in me and hope for others. Fall might be the end of growth in certain areas, but it can also represent new beginnings and allow us to find balance and purpose.

Dominican Republic: Enjoying a meal & fellowship

Dominican Republic: Enjoying a meal & fellowship

Outside of my design passion, the most satisfying and meaningful part of my life is the participation through my church, in the arena of alcohol and drug addiction and in the homeless community. As a Stephen Minister in the Covenant Church, I lead the Homeless and Recovery ministry in our community, assisting with the sober living homes known as Restore, while providing leadership in meal preparation at the Concord Homeless Shelter, and holiday season banquets at Hillside Church in Walnut Creek. I also enjoy the privilege of working one-on-one with those suffering addiction or family members and colleagues of those in addiction.

Christmas Dinner at Hillside with members of our local homeless community

Christmas Dinner at Hillside with members of our local homeless community

Our church, Hillside, works closely with Trinity Foundation in the promotion and dissemination of opportunities to provide a community environment for those not fortunate enough to have a home. I am honored to lead the annual banquets for the homeless on Thanksgiving and Christmas while more recently adding a summer BBQ to our list of events. At these events, we are able to spearhead a drive for the donations of clothes, hygienic essentials and sleeping bags.

Donation of shoes for “Iglecia Communidad” in Santiago

Donation of shoes for “Iglecia Communidad” in Santiago

This work brings me such perspective and fuels a deep gratitude. As the seasons change, my hope is for others to take time for further reflection, find comfort in your surroundings while sharing abundance in your personal and professional lives.